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Workflows Mini-Masterclass

Workflows are the bow that holds the whole of the Cascade system together. It automates all those tasks that make up your to do list and most importantly, does all the chasing for you too.

In this mini masterclass, you will learn some examples of workflows you can build and expand on workflows you may already have in place, or even no longer require, to help you to make your business more efficient.


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Holiday Mini-Masterclass

This mini masterclass is for if you have part-time staff in your business and perhaps struggle to understand holiday entitlements or adjustments. Or maybe you’d like a refresher or better understanding of how holiday capabilities.

If you are thinking of changing your holiday allowance or simply want a better understanding of how Cascade calculates those all-important numbers that give us time off from work, then this is the taster for you.


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Query Builder Mini-Masterclass

Are you using Cascade to its capacity?

Query Builder tool allows for data to be gathered in the system to be turned into detailed reports based on specific set criteria. From contract statuses to holiday allowance, join our mini masterclass to better understand just how easy pulling data out of Cascade can be.


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Absence Management Mini-Masterclass

Are you tracking your absences in Cascade in the smartest way? Do you have far too many categories and unable to get the analysis on the data you need? Or are you new to the system and want to know more about how to create absence categories and types?

This masterclass will give you a quick overview of this area of Cascade.


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Salary Reviews Mini-Masterclass

If you have a pay review coming up, or have never used Cascade to help you process salaries on a bulk basis this is the perfect masterclass for you.

This mini masterclass will show you how Cascade can support you to not only review salary increases but also do so in a data-protected way, without having to email around sensitive data spreadsheets.


1.30-2.00pm, Tuesday 12th December 2023

Part-time Adjustments Mini-Masterclass

If you have full-time staff who have changed their hours, part-time staff adjustments that don’t make sense, unbuilt or triggers that don’t work for absences.

This mini masterclass will give you a quick overview of how you get the Cascade system to work for you and automate processes that will alert you to triggers, reducing manual processes.


10.00-10.30am, Tuesday 16th January 2024

Hierarchy Overview Mini-Masterclass

Have you recently merged or acquired a new business?

Do you often look at your company structure and wish it seemed simpler? Or perhaps your business simply built the hierarchy when your business purchased Cascade and it hasn’t been revisited.

This mini masterclass will help you to understand how to add/amend and mark nodes you no longer need.